Weekend Schedule

We’re excited to spend time with you! Our hope is that this is a restful, joyful and enjoyable weekend for everyone. To that end, know that all activities are optional. If you’d rather take a nap, go for a hike, work on your tree pose or head to town, please do so. We’re looking forward to all the stories that will unfold.


  • Check in anytime after 3:30pm. The winding roads leading to the retreat center are narrow and, true to nature, are NOT lit at night. For your own safety, we’d recommend arriving before the sun sets at 5pm.
  • 6pm – Dinner 
  • 8pm – Evening campfire


  • Breakfast (Max will likely sleep through)
  • 10am – Wisdom Circle (Ladies Only) – An opportunity for women to give advice and encouragement to Elaine as she embarks on a new stage of life. Max will also likely sleep through this. 
  • Lunch
  • Free timeHit the beach in Santa Cruz, go for a hike, bring a board game to introduce people to, take a nap or something else entirely.
  • 4pm – Wedding Rehearsal
  • 6pm – Dinner – Open mike for those who want to share a toast, anecdote or limerick 
  • Commissioning Service – A time of prayer, communion, foot-washing and worship recognizing the commission God is calling Max and Elaine into in marriage in serving each other above themselves and celebrating the commission that is upon every believer in Christ
  • Evening campfire


  • Breakfast
  • 10:59AMStart of the wedding ceremony. Weather permitting, the ceremony will be outdoors in the redwood amphitheater
  • Lunch receptionindoors in the Lodge
  • 3pm – Head home joyfully basking in wonder of good times shared!

What should we wear? Other than the wedding day, we’re planning on being in jeans, fleeces, and forest-friendly footwear. For the wedding, the bridal party will be wearing suits and dresses, but not of the tux or ball gown variety. Weather will be in the mid-50s during the day and 40s at night. We’ll leave it to you to decide whether that’s warm or cold and to pack accordingly, especially for an outdoor ceremony.